
Witches Night Out

This past year we had the coolest family move in next door to my parents...I have loved getting to know them and they already feel like family. Anywhoooooo the ladies (Colleen, Jessica, & Kelli) invited my mom and I to go to the Witch Fest at Gardener Village. I had never been and I had a total blast. We dressed as witches and I bedazzled a witch hat to wear. It was so fun shopping and seeing all the people dressed up! I love you Hansen girls thanks for inviting me along!

Here was my witch outfit!

I added all this to my plain black witch hat and I thought it was cute.

Here I am with Colleen.

Kelli, Colleen, me, and Jessica!

One of the witch displays at Gardener Village.

Me and my mom!

Traded in the witch hats.

Creepy guys on stilts.

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