
Hunting We Did Go

This past weekend Robert took me out with him for the bow hunt. We went to Hancock Flat above Fish Lake. On Friday we set up camp and then stopped in to visit Hal at his cabin and it was so nice to sit and chat with him.  I went hunting with Robert a little on Saturday, but mostly just camped out. It was pretty fun but by Sunday I was ready to get home.
 Robert making fire!!

 Our camp and our view.

 Look I'm having fun camping! Only 1 thumb up though!
 Coke, Camping and Country Music! CRAZY!
 The mighty Hunter!

 Now you see me....now you don't
 Is  that a tree or is it my husband?

1 comment:

Kate said...

You should get a "Wife of the Year" award for going camping with Robert. I'm kind of glad Alex isn't into hunting, because then I won't feel obligated to go sleep in the dirt while he kills something :)