

I am putting posts up here in the most random order but oh well! I have to post about this because it was so stinking cool!  My handsome hubby LOVES the Mythbusters so when my sister-in-law told me they were coming I hurried to the web site and snatched up two VIP tickets for Robert's Christmas present. I was so excited to give them to him that it basically made  my whole Christmas. Well this Wednesday we finally were able to go to the show! It really was so much fun. Adam and Jamie are way funny and interesting. I have to say the very best part was when Robert got picked out the audience to join them on stage. He had to dress up in a lot of rubber rain gear and ride a bike against another guy. Robert had the side with the faulty hose so he ended up getting a balloon full of water splashed on him but I don't think he minded at all! After the show we were able to meet Adam and Jamie and get our picture taken with them and have them autograph a picture for us. I know I really enjoyed the whole thing and I'm pretty sure it was Robert's favorite Christmas present ever especially since he was able to participate with them! (sorry most of the pictures suck because there was no flash photography!) 

Waiting to go in!

View from our seats.

In our seats excited for the show to start!

The stage ready to go!

Adam and Jamie!

Jamie's Q&A

Jamie lifting Adam by interlaced phone books!

Don't worry Adam lives through this!

Robert on stage getting suited up!

Robert is in the blue gear on the blue bike on the left side!
Riding the bike to get the water up the pipe!
Robert about to get wet!

Us after the show waiting to meet the Mythbusters!

Practice picture ha ha no one was ready!

See they are real!!!!

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